Ready to pivot into a sales-focused role for the future?

Whether you're just starting your journey for your career or are looking at potentially switching into a different role, it's not something that should be taken lightly or done on a whim. 

There's so much opportunity, especially since the tech industry is constantly expanding. The more products are created, the more jobs are available for tech sales enthusiasts. Individuals who want to break into tech deliberately choose not to apply, believing they don't have the experience or don't possess the necessary skills to land the job. The good thing is that there are resources available, paid or not, that you can utilize to help boost your confidence and knowledge. 

Enter the Dojo

We take our name from the ancient training halls of martial arts. It translates into the Place of the Way and is meant to be a place for immersive learning.

We believe that's what we help to bring at the forefront for one of the most in-demand positions these days: a Sales Development Representative focused on Tech Sales. 

As our world continuously transitions to a fully digital one, there are more and more options for potential customers, but not enough people that help drive these customers to convert into sales. That's where this role comes in demand for established tech companies and those that have entered their growth and expansionary phases. 

Why come to us? 

One of the vital things we teach in the program is to own up to your education and make them see that there are so many different ways to learn and progress. We encourage them to be proactive on what they have learned and put it into action.

"I believe that those who learn the most and the ones who educate their selves the most are the most successful. Not because they know more than everybody else but because they are hungry to push themselves to become their best version." - Jaron Erickson, CEO/Founder of Sales Dojo

We've built it out for individuals looking to enhance their existing skillset in this career of sales. It's not just about giving the right tools but also developing the correct type of mindset to achieve success. Sales is always one of the most rewarding positions for many because it directly impacts the overall bottom line of the business. Yet there are too many instances where individuals may seem to lose motivation because the correct type of mindset is not in place. 

We help to eliminate that fear through our training program and work to establish strong sales development representatives from the get-go. Everything from the latest sales strategies to what is hot on the tech market now to how to close the deal is shown in an open environment catered to learning. 

Is it the right option for me? 

The right salesperson doesn't have any specific look or feel. It's a position open to those from all backgrounds, all education levels, and all current situations. It's a role that works best when the sales teams tend to be as diverse as the customer base, helping to achieve maximum success individually. 

These careers can be lucrative, and opportunities are just endless! It all starts with the correct initial boost that we help to provide. We're ready to help you achieve that success with our virtual events open to anyone within the United States. 

So feel free to reach out, and don't hesitate to contact us if there are any questions you have about the courses or how we approach this field. If you're ready and willing to join the next cohort, you can sign up fast here, starting on October 3rd. 

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Ready to start your career in tech sales?