5 Misconceptions About Tech Sales and Why You Should Ignore Them

Have you ever wondered what a career in tech sales looks like? Maybe you’ve heard some sales myths that have held you back from starting a career in the field. Let’s dive into three of the most common misconceptions and get down to the truth about sales jobs in tech.

1. You need to have a particular personality to be in sales.

When thinking about what one might call a “typical salesperson”, what type of person comes to mind? You might be thinking of a person that identifies as a “people person” - outgoing, charismatic, and perhaps a bit of a talker.

While a sales job does require strong communication skills, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be an extrovert in order to succeed. There are various roles within a sales team, each requiring different qualities. Having a team of one personality type could mean thriving in one area of the sales process but completely failing in others. Or perhaps attracting one particular buyer persona while pushing away others.

A well-rounded sales team will have team players of different personalities and strengths. What’s more important is recognizing and understanding these differences and placing the right people in the right role.

2. To succeed in sales, you need to push your agenda at all costs.

We all know the other salesperson stereotype. The one that really gives salespeople a bad rap: the persistent (read: pushy) type that won’t take no for an answer. 

Frankly, these types of salespeople and sales strategies do exist. But a good salesperson knows that selling is less about pushing your own agenda and more about understanding the potential buyer’s interests and meeting their needs. In fact, being persistent when it’s clear your products or services aren’t a match for their problem will only come across as ingenuine and ultimately scare off your prospects.

Potential buyers recognize when salespeople maintain their integrity throughout the sales process. This builds trust - not only in the salesperson but also in the product(s)/service(s) and the company as a whole.

3. You need to have a degree in Computer Science or IT, or a background in sales

As soon as we hear the word “tech,” the assumption is that you need a degree in Computer Science or IT. But when it comes to tech sales, it isn’t necessarily the case.

Sure, a degree would give you a leg up when trying to get into the industry but there are many ways to break into the field. There are some companies that might see a degree as preferable, while others have dropped the requirement altogether.

You could even get into tech sales without a degree or any prior sales experience with the help of various crash courses, bootcamps, and resources online.

4. You need to know how to code

Your acceptance into tech sales doesn’t solely depend if you know how to code. Sure, it will be beneficial if you aim to be a sales engineer but if your goal is to be a sales representative, this should be the least of your concerns.

It is important thou that you know the ins and outs of the products you are selling, otherwise, how will you be able to determine if this product/service best suits your potential customer?

5. Tech Sales is a male dominated industry

While there are certainly more men than women in tech sales, there are many successful women who have excelled in the field. It's important to encourage diversity and inclusivity in tech sales and recognize that anyone can be successful in the role regardless of gender.

When it comes down to it, what’s more significant to hiring managers is the soft skills that you can bring to the table. These include grit, a willingness to learn, adaptability, and interpersonal skills.

The bottom line is tech sales isn’t a career exclusive to a certain type of person, with a certain type of background. Just as there are various roles within a sales team, there are various types of tech products, services, and companies. And with new job postings being added by the thousands each day, you are bound to find your niche.

SALES DOJO can help you break into tech sales.

No matter what gender, age, or background, you definitely have a place in the tech industry. 

Join our community of like-minded people here at Sales Dojo and start your career today as a top-performing SDR.BDR in top-tech companies.

Want to read more about how to get into tech sales? Click here!

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